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Chinese International School

Cultivating Learning Through Design

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Chinese International School

Cultivating Learning Through Design

One Space embarked on a collaborative effort with Chinese International School (CIS) to design a multi-phase campus. The new design aims to encourage student-teacher interactions on an ‘as-invited’ basis, helping break down communication barriers that might otherwise stifle learning.

Central to the School’s mission of interdisciplinary learning, we have designed and delivered a multi-phase project, including: 1) Collaborative Workplace for secondary level teachers; 2) Senior Student Lounge 3) University Counselling Centre.

The concept of a 28,000 sq. ft. “co-learning” collaborative workplace encourages a learning environment that facilitates ‘open-ended’ learning outcomes. We believe the introduction of less conventional spaces in support of teacher collaboration will help foster a community of interdisciplinary teaching and learning, which in turn creates an atmosphere of broader knowledge sharing in the classroom.

The concept of a 28,000 sq. ft. “co-learning” collaborative workplace encourages a learning environment that facilitates ‘open-ended’ learning outcomes. We believe the introduction of less conventional spaces in support of teacher collaboration will help foster a community of interdisciplinary teaching and learning, which in turn creates an atmosphere of broader knowledge sharing in the classroom.