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An Intelligent, Thoughtful Workspace

Hong Kong
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An Intelligent, Thoughtful Workspace

For their new office in Hong Kong, Dwellworks’ commissioned One Space to create a relaxing ‘residential’ atmosphere, consisting of contemporary aesthetics and an open floor plan with open ceilings to harvest an abundance of natural daylight and spectacular views of Hong Kong. Through our design, we hope to create a stress-free, yet motivating work environment.

A lateral roller shutter allows the extension of the lift lobby into the open pantry space, an immersive arrival experience that brings guests and visitors into the heart of their business. In addition to the more efficient use of space, we helped evolve the Dwellworks corporate culture positively across numerous dimensions. Designing an agile and intelligently thought-out workplace helped reinforce the organisation’s culture and values. With shared workspaces, team members have the advantage of working in a collaborative environment.